Compare/Synchronize Now Takes 12+ Hours!

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Posts: 5
Joined: 30 Nov 2006


I have been using FFS and RTS for a few weeks and everything was working very well, with the whole process taking just a few minutes. Now, FFS runs and runs, and if I check the progress it says it will take 24 hours or more, but in reality it takes somewhere around 12 hours. And this is running in response to just a couple of files being changed. Why would it take so long under these circumstances? I can understand if I had changed a large number of files, but it seems as if it should compare my relatively-few changes quickly. What could be causing this behavior?
Posts: 73
Joined: 13 Nov 2003


What is your comparison setting ? I can imagine some circumstances where the combination of File Content, RTS and some largish files changing often could result in strange happenings. In general I think you need to tell us more.
Posts: 5
Joined: 30 Nov 2006


The compare is set to "Time and Size". On my "J" drive, I have a folder for NEAT (document organization program) backups, and whenever I make a new backup it adds about a 1.4 GB file to the "J" drive. FFS (RTS) is configured to make a copy of that file to the "F" drive so that "J" and "F" have the same contents. I just manually told FFS to sync J & F, and it said it was going to take more than 8 hours. It seems as if a week ago, that process would take a couple of minutes...certainly not more than an hour. Same OS, no new programs in the meantime. Any ideas?