Ignore File Extensions?

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Joined: 2 Jun 2017


Is there a way to ignore the file extensions for files inside folders I want to sync? I have a folder full of JPGs and a folder full of TIFs that I want to sync but I want the TIFs to overwrite the JPGs, not add them to the JPG folder. Is this possible?

Thank you,
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FFS can not determine if JPGs have a TIF counterpart, and if so only copy the TIF version.
If _all_ your JPGs have a TIF counterpart, you can simply exclude the JPGs from your sync by adding *.jpg to your exclude filter.
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Thank you for the reply but that's not really what I meant. I don't want FreeFileSync to ignore jpg or tif files, I'd like it to ignore the file EXTENSIONS only so I can compare tif files in one folder to jpg files in another folder and only compare the root filenames. Does that make sense (I sometimes don't explain things very well).

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Re-reading your initial posting, your intended use might have been hiding in there ... ;-)
However, your intended use does not seem to be part of FFS's present features.
To be honest, I am not aware of any readily available tool that would be able to do this.
Sounds like a nice batch or shell-script task ...