New Cloud Storages

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Posts: 1
Joined: 27 May 2022


Are you considering integrating other cloud storage? I would welcome...

One Drive Personal
One Drive Bussines
SharePoint Online

Do you have any predictions on when this tool will be released?
Posts: 1
Joined: 1 Jun 2022


It is possible with OneDrive official client, still you will need some tweaks. First of all OneDrive instances that support WebDav can be done with something like WinSCP which is out of scope and not very scalable as you need IDs and keys. But for a few deployments makes sense.

You may sync with OneDrive/Personal/Bussiness and sharepoint with a local/UNC path with FFS. Would be as follows:
1. Set up your FFS batch job to sync two-way OneDrive (sub)folder with your desired local/UNC/drive path.
2. Set up recurring Scheduled Task or RealTimeSync background job that executes previous job

FFS supports command on complete, you may use that to mark the OneDrive (sub)folder and its files as 'online only':
get-childitem $YOUR_ONEDRIVE_SUBFOLDER -Force -File -Recurse | where Attributes -eq 'Archive, ReparsePoint' | foreach {attrib.exe $_.fullname +U -P /s}
You can also change attributes from local/UNC source folder first and then start FFS job, works better for an initial large folder. OneDrive will start liberating space as it finished every file upload.
An alternative of attrib command is using Storage Sense to do it 'smartly'.

DropBox may have a similar workaround.