Is it Possible to Load/Save Comparison Paths Lists

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There are 2 sets of comparison paths, both of which seem to have a limit of 20 paths.

I have 2 backup disks, so would like to be able to load different lists as follows:
• for drive 1 to drive 2
• for drive 1 to drive 3
• for drive 2 to drive 3
Is this possible?

An alternative would be to have the number of paths in the lists configurable rather than fixed at 20.

Any solutions, or is this requesting a new feature?
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You can simply define (and save as a *.ffs_gui or *.ffs_batch file) separate syncs configurations for your different syncs. You can then invoke one or more of those saved sync configurations, according to need.
You can do that from the command line, or from the FFS GUI Configuration window (top left).

In case you would hit a limitation regarding the maximum amount of left and right base locations you can define (never hit any such limit, but apparently 20), consider to define your left and right base location one or two directory levels higher, and then use the Include Filter and/or Exclude Filter to define in more detail what should and should not be synced.
This should allow you to notably reduce the amount of left-right base location pairs, while providing virtually unlimited detail about what to sync and what not to sync.
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There is no limit with regards to number of folder pairs.

• for drive 1 to drive 2
• for drive 1 to drive 3
• for drive 2 to drive 3 StoozTheMan, 26 Jul 2022, 03:49
Looks like this can be reduced to
• for drive 1 to drive 2
• for drive 2 to drive 3
when using Two-Way.
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2 excellent replies - thanks Plerry & Zenju.

One thing that I missed in my original post was when referring to the limit on folder pairs, the limit seems to be on the combo-box dropdown. When above 20, the newer path takes the place of one of the existing paths.

WRT Zenju's suggestion, I don't always want to transfer everything Two-Way.

I'll experiment with both approaches.
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One thing that I missed in my original post was when referring to the limit on folder pairs, the limit seems to be on the combo-box dropdown. When above 20, the newer path takes the place of one of the existing paths. StoozTheMan, 26 Jul 2022, 14:53
Yes, the limit for drop down history is 20 ("MaxSize" in GlobalSettings.xml)
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I didn't know that GlobalSettings.xml existed. Thanks Zenju!

For others who'd like to know, the GlobalSettings.xml file, by default (Windows), is at:
A quick way to the folder is:
I edited the GlobalSettings.xml file and changed the entry:
<FolderHistory MaxSize="20"/>
<FolderHistory MaxSize="40"/>
and I am able to show more paths in the combo-box dropdowns.

I hope that this is of use to others.