FFS hanging after first run until Windows restart

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I have a technical issue: the first time I run a profile (copying photos from Android to Windows), it works perfectly, but then if I try running it again later (after taking new photos and reconnecting the phone to the computer), it hangs: the file comparison works, the copy from phone to computer is sometimes done and sometimes not, but the synchronizing/updating feature never ends, it continues to show the progress bars and stops responding. I must use the task manager to close the program. Then, if I restart the whole computer, FreeFileSync works again, but only once, and if I try using it again it hangs until I restart the computer. I have already completely uninstalled and reinstalled the program, no change.
Can you please help? Thank you!
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File deletions/updates on MTP devices can cause a (minute-long) hang: viewtopic.php?t=9727#p35741
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Hi Zenju,

Thank you for your feedback. However, there should be no file deletion since I am using the “update” mode: it only copies new files from the phone into the computer, doesn’t delete anything anywhere (or at least it shouldn’t!).

The first time I ran it today, it took only 4 to 5 seconds to copy about 20 photos. Then the second time, it took 48 seconds to copy only 1 photo (I thought it was hanging but it actually completed the task after 48 seconds). Then the third time, I gave up after 7 minutes: the small video file (13.7 Mo) was copied (the screen said “Synchronization in progress 100%”), but the progress bars never stopped and during that time I also couldn’t open Windows File Explorer but I could work on other programs like Word. I used the task manager to interrupt FFS, and only then could I check in Windows Explorer that the copy was indeed done.

Before that last attempt, I had also tried to run the profile but got an error message (in French, my translation): “The following folder no longer exists: ‘mpt:\path to my phone’s DCIM folder’ The folders are created automatically when necessary.” The file comparison didn’t seem to work, so I didn’t run the profile at all, just disconnected everything and started again, this time without the above error message and the comparison working, but the 7+ minutes hanging to copy one small video file.

What should I do? Thanks!
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MTP sucks, highly dependent on manufacturer implementation

It's pretty good on my S23 Ultra, but I still regularly have to disconnect and reconnect my phone for a proper comparison to go through, along with using content comparison because timestamps are unusable with MTP
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Hi xCSxXenon,

Thank you for your feedback. I am using an S24 Ultra and, indeed, sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting the phone seems to fix the comparison feature. But that doesn’t help with the updates hanging and having to interrupt the process through the task manager. Only restarting the whole computer works, and then FFS runs properly only once before hanging again. That makes me think the problem is on the FFS/Windows/computer side, not the phone. Any suggestions?

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Do you mean to say you can't kill the FFS task via the Windows Task Manager?
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Hi Plerry,

No, I mean that FFS works fine only once after switching on my computer. Then, when I try to use it a second time, it hangs and I cannot close it the normal way by interrupting the process or closing the program, it hangs and no longer responds. I must use the Windows Task Manager to kill it (which works, but having to use it to close a program is not normal). After that, I must restart the whole computer to get FFS to work again, and then it will work only the first time, then hang again if I try running it a second time.
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I have no issues performing multiple syncs to my phone, no restarts or hangs other than when the MTP connection gets "out of sync" and I have to replug the USB into the phone. Now, I am not saying that you aren't encountering a FFS issue, but that it certainly could be something with your specific Windows install or your specific phone also. Zenju will definitely need a system trace to be performed. I would guess two is best, one containing the first sync that works and completes, and then a second containing the events of opening FFS, running the sync, and then killing with Task Manager after it locks up.

Edit: You don't start the trace before hand. Just get FFS to hang, then follow the instructions in the link to create a dump log
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Zenju will definitely need a system trace to be performed. I would guess two is best, one containing the first sync that works and completes, and then a second containing the events of opening FFS, running the sync, and then killing with Task Manager after it locks up.
https://freefilesync.org/faq.php#crash xCSxXenon, 17 Jun 2024, 14:44
I doubt the crash dump will reveal anything meaningful, as the issue is clearly not caused by FreeFileSync:
and during that time I also couldn’t open Windows File Explorer Fran, 16 Jun 2024, 10:01

It's a "bug" of the MTP device, e.g. like this one: viewtopic.php?t=9727
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@ xCSxXenon: Thank you for your feedback. I have not been able to produce the crash files you mentioned; I am a basic user, I don’t dabble into this advanced stuff. The only thing I could get is the log, which says “The database file is invalid: default options for synchronization are applied.” (translation mine)

@ Zenju: Thank you for your feedback. FFS is clearly involved in the problem, even if it’s not causing it: only during the time FFS is hanging can I also not access Windows Explorer, I have no problems before and after that. So it might very well be a problem with my Windows or with my phone, but it manifests itself only when I try to use FFS a second time in the same session. So, is there something that can be done about that? Thanks!
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So, is there something that can be done about that? Thanks! Fran, 18 Jun 2024, 10:05
Theoretical: Find out where to report issues with the software of your phone. Have the vendor fix the issue and release an update¹

Practical: Buy a different phone²

¹: If software = Android and vendor = Google, chances of success are 0%. Google hates it when you don't use their own cloud sync. MTP "bugs" like minute-long hangs after rename or delete, as well as failure to set modification time simply will never be fixed for older Android. To be fair, there are no such issues on new Android versions (at least in my test: sample size 1!).

²: Apple is even worse when it comes to MTP support in case you're wondering.
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Thank you, Zenju, for your suggestions, but I have a brand-new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra running Android 14, so I don’t believe “older Android” is the problem. I think I’ll have to go for option No. 3: use FFS as it is (restarting the computer as needed, the process is a pain but it gets the job done, so it's good to have) while I search for another program to copy my photos into my computer—I don’t mind a paid version, as long as it works for me. The one I use to back up my computer on an external hard drive doesn’t support phones and cameras, but I’m open to other suggestions: I don’t need a program that offers a lot of detailed options, just detect and copy new files from A to B without deleting anything or synchronizing in the other direction. Thanks!
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Zenju will definitely need a system trace to be performed. I would guess two is best, one containing the first sync that works and completes, and then a second containing the events of opening FFS, running the sync, and then killing with Task Manager after it locks up.
https://freefilesync.org/faq.php#crash xCSxXenon, 17 Jun 2024, 14:44
I doubt the crash dump will reveal anything meaningful, as the issue is clearly not caused by FreeFileSync:
and during that time I also couldn’t open Windows File Explorer Fran, 16 Jun 2024, 10:01

It's a "bug" of the MTP device, e.g. like this one: viewtopic.php?t=9727 Zenju, 18 Jun 2024, 09:32
I agree, not caused by FFS. But! If a dump can reveal a smoking gun for a fault in the Windows installation or the environment itself, I have no qualms about assisting other friendly users here to remedy such a thing