Feature Request: per-folder or per-job ACL settings

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Joined: 1 Aug 2024


I want to backup ACL's on my Windows servers, but my NAS gives me privilege errors and refuses to backup the files without ACL. This means I can't backup the ACL's on my Windows jobs. I would like to choose whether to backup ACL's on a per-folder basis. If it's much easier to do it on a per-job basis that would be okay, though I doubt there's any difference.

Thanks for your excellent software.
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Copying ACL's is a setting stored in your GlobalSettings.xml file, which is by default shared between all your syncs.
(Look for <CopyFilePermissions Enabled="false"/> vs <CopyFilePermissions Enabled="true"/>)
You can however create alternative "GlobalSettings" XML files, saved under different names and/or in a different location than the default location.
When invoking an FFS sync job (*.ffs_gui or *.ffs_batch) you can optionally specify that FFS should use a different than the default XML file for its global settings, as described here ad 5).
This thread my help getting things more clear.

Note that for copying ACLs, that FFS job needs administrator rights.
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Joined: 1 Aug 2024


Thank you. I have done that and it works. But it's very inconvenient to keep up with multiple command lines for different jobs, and it is impossible to use a single job to backup up all of my sources to a single target, hence my feature request. I don't know how difficult it is to make this a "non-global" preference; maybe it is somehow very difficult. But I will leave that determination to the developer.